Teacher resilience
The COVID-19 pandemic had a particularly severe impact on education employees. The need to adapt quickly to distance learning, learn new digital tools, provide personalised support for students with learning difficulties has significantly increased the risk of burnout. In a survey conducted by Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) last March, 95% of teachers indicated that distance learning process takes more time than face-to-face learning. In this survey, teachers also admitted that more psychological support and counseling by a psychologist in case of overload would be desirable.
On 1 April 2021, in response to the needs of teachers, the University of Latvia together with Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania and Pan-European University in Slovakia launched the Erasmus+ Programme Key Activity No. 2 (KA2) – Strategic Partnership project "Supporting Teachers in Overcoming the Challenges of Distance Learning" (PERSON), 2020-1-LV01-KA226-SCH-094599 implementation. The University of Latvia is the Lead Partner of the Project.
The project will include research on the socioemotional health and resilience of remotely working teachers in all participating countries, and a digitized psychological support programme for all teachers in Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia, which will be available free of charge on a digital platform in the e-environment.
The long-term goal of the project is to develop recommendations on the establishment of a state-provided support system for teachers to prevent professional burnout and make appropriate changes in legislation.
The Teacherresilience website will inform you about the progress of the Project. It will contain the results of the Project research, materials developed during the Project and links to additional sources of information.